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RF Wattmeter based on PIC16F876 and AD8307

Programming the Logic board:
 There are few revisions available for this project beginning in 2002. The latest one is Ver. 1.04 from 2008 and that is what I am using too . The board use a In Circuit Serial Programming (ICSP) header ,    you can use any Pic programmer with ICSP header , however you have to check few things before you start . 
1) disconnect all power to the board 
2) remove the 10 ohm LCD back light resistor  from the circuit . 

The LCD takes way too much power from the VCC line and cause problems when the programmer tries to power the PIC  . 
You do not have to remove the resistor if you did not install the LCD panel yet.  
I use the K150 programmer since it is very affordable ,it required just USB power and is easy to install . plug the following wires from the K150 ( or any ICSP Header ) to the logic board :
Select the Proper COM port , Select K150 Programmer,  Select PIC16F876 Load the Hex file :
Press Program , click Verify , re-solder the resistor , you are all done !
The next thing to do is the wiring: Wiring

Select Programmer
Select comm port
Select the PIC 16F876
Click Load
Click Version  M1CNK-milliwat 104 beta.Hex file
Click Blank, then click Erase chip
Click Program, watch the progress bar,  when complete, Click Verify