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            RF Wattmeter based on PIC16F876 and AD8307

Wiring :  Keep all wires as short as possible, this is an RF measurement tool after all  . Many builders will also connect Filters to the power input, in order to remove even more outside interference. If you have a second AD8307 board, connect it to IN-B, this will add the SWR functionality. Search the web for SWR bridge project . The enclosure part is interesting project by itself , I build mine by using double sided PCB's.  I cut all four sides , cut the LCD window , drill the buttons and BNC holes,  solder all corners together , spray paint with black paint ,and then assemble all the the rest inside.

Power Up the unit using 7V-12V Transformer , 
[ use 12V DC if you use our Jumbo LCD PCB assembly ]
After few seconds you will see the power meter mode
Let take a look at the LCD screen and play with the menu: Menu